New uses, new move – Land use & mobility

10 May 2017 → 11 May 2017

Forum - 7 Workshops

Workplaces / Housing and habitats / Smart Cities / The individual car / Low-impact transport / Products and goods / Land use and mobility infrastructure

What practices and lifestyles of tomorrow (habitats, work, consumption and hence property and spatial planning) will influence or be influenced by changes in mobility?
What technological advances in personal mobility, goods transportation and connectivity are already influencing or will influence practices? Ultimately, what are the potential impacts on our urban regions?

In short, what processes of change in behaviour and practices will disrupt our expectations regarding travel and connectivity and our ways of living, working, moving around and doing business, and vice versa?

Book your tickets on the BOZAR website

  • Speakers

    Elisabeth Pélegrin-Genel (Architect & urban planner), Gaetan Hannecart (MATEXI), Benjamin Cadranel (Citydev), Isabelle Sonneville (AXA Belgium), Claire Flurin (Pure House New York), Jean Haëntjens (Urban strategies advisor), Pieter Ballon (Author of « Smart Cities »), Jean-François Soupizet (Consultant in International & Digital development), Frédéric Mathis (VEDECOM), Michel Hubert (Brussels Studies), Ross Douglas (Promoter of the “Autonomy” fairs), Xavier Tackoen (Espace-Mobilité), Georges Amar (futurist), Thibaud Hilmarcher (Tractebel Engie), Henriette Van Eijl (European Commission DG MOVE), Mirjam Tas (Urban logistics UPS), Frédéric Héran (University of Lille), Guillaume Vandervaeren (JNC – FBU), Simon Collet (TEC – Namur).

  • Date

    10 May ’17 – 19:00-21:00

    11 May ’17 – 09:00-18:45

    17:30 – 17:45 Launching of the “Grand Prix de l’Urbanisme”

    17h45 – 18h45 Conclusions of the forum and round table in the presence of the Ministers Rudi Vervoort, Pascal Smet, Céline Frémault et Carlo Di Antonio

  • Support

    Brussels-Capital Region: Minister-President responsible of the Urban Policy
    Brussels-Capital Region : Minister responsible for Mobility – Good move step.
    Région Wallonne
